
Top Health Exercise and Starting Good Life

Experts and successful exercisers reveal the top tips and tricks they use to get the most from their fitness routines.

1. Be Consistent

Run after Squires is the first to confess that he's no fitness expert. But he is a man who used to think about 205 pounds, more than was healthy for his 5'4" framework. "In my holiday pictures in 2002, I appeared as if the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man at the beach," says the 42-year-old Colorado resident. Squires determined enough was enough, slice out oily food, and began walking on a fitness treadmill machine. The pounds came off and he was working marathons -- not fast soon, but in the race. He ran his first 50-mile contest in October 2003 and completed his first 100-miler a time later. Since then, he's completed several 100-mile, 50-mile, and 50k races.
Hriday Hossain
Hriday Hossain

His magic formula? "I'm not fast, but I'm reliable," says Squires, who says steadiness is his best hint for maintaining an effective fitness regimen.

2. Follow an Effective Exercise Routine

The North american Council on Exercise (ACE) recently surveyed 1,000 ACE-certified fitness trainers about the best ways to get exercise. Their top three recommendations:

-           Power training. Even 20 minutes a day a week will help tone the whole body twice.

-           Period training. "In its most basic form, intensive training may require walking for two minutes, running for two, and alternating this pattern throughout the length of a workout," says Cedric Bryant, PhD, FACSM, chief science officer for ACE. "It is an extremely time-efficient and effective way to exercise."

-           Increased cardio/aerobic exercise. Bryant advises accumulating 60 minutes or even more every day of low- to moderate-intensity physical activity, such as walking, operating, or dancing.

3. Set Realistic Goals

"Don't strive perfection or an improbable goal that can't be met," says Kara Thompson, spokesperson for the International Health Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA). "Focus instead on increasing healthy behaviors."

In other words, don't worry if you can't run a 5K just yet. Make it a habit to walk 15 minutes a day, and add time, distance, and intensity from there. 
Hriday Hossain
Hriday Hossain

4.Use the Buddy 

Use the Buddy System Find a friend or relative whom you like and trust who also wants to establish a healthier lifestyle, suggests Thompson. "Encourage one another. Exercise together. Use this as an opportunity to enjoy one another's company and to strengthen the relationship."

5. Make Your Plan Fit Your Life

Excessively caught up with, making it impossible to get to the rec center? Tennis star Martina Navratilova, wellbeing and wellness envoy for the AARP, knows some things about being occupied and remaining fit. Make your arrangement fit your life, she exhorts in an article on the AARP site. "You needn't bother with favor practice rigging and rec centers to get fit." More Health Tips

Hriday Hossain
On the off chance that you have floor space, attempt basic floor activities to target regions, for example, the hips and rear end, legs and thighs, and trunk and arms (like push-ups, squats, and lurches). Go for 10-12 redundancies of every work out, including more reps and force as you assemble quality.

6. Be Happy

Be sure to pick an activity you actually enjoy doing, suggests Los Angeles celebrity trainer Sebastien Lagree. Use the Buddy System Find a friend or relative whom you like and trust who also wants to establish a healthier lifestyle, suggests Thompson. Top Exercise

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